Balakendram – Conducted by experienced teachers of Samskrita Bharati, these classes which are held every Sunday (except 2nd Sunday) for 2 hours are conducted using the Samskrita books for children to teach them various aspects of basic Samskrita language. The children are also taught small shlokas (Samskrit metric compositions) in line with traditional Samskrit teaching through recitation.
Samskrita script study classes are also conducted every Sunday for 2 hours with a view to teach the interested students the Samskrita script to enable them to get familiar and acquainted with Samskrita texts in order for them to get ready to take the 4 level certificate courses. The aim here is develop the students to read and write Samskrita letters, words and sentences so as to be enable them to take the first level certificate course called “Pravesha”.
The certificate courses designed by Samskrita Bharati into 4 levels of 6 months each are to enable the student to start as a beginner and end up with expertise on the usage of Samskrita language in terms of writing, speaking and reading skills.